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Monday, August 1, 2011

How we get influenced !

We are creatures of influence, trying to change things around us and getting changed ourselves , we pick a lot of things subconciously maybe a dialogue from a friend, an accent from a tv show , a color from nature etc it is worth noticing how as visual artists we react to the work of artists we are close to, to me the classic example has been the influence that Edison and me have had on each other , its very easy to see the wave like movement in my work, but what i learnt from him were the flowy lines, in the pictures above on the walls that we painted together, it has been quite difficult for me to say where my work starts and where Edi's work ends.

....and then there are these influences that i see in the work of students from the students in cava , which had me taking a very critical approach towards some of them, but now knowing how sub concious it is ; i feel it is quite natural. then again there is a fine line between being influenced and plagiarising something

I sometimes find it hard to tell the difference and continue being Critical. and as Octavio Paz once said “What distinguishes modern art from the art of other ages is criticism.”

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