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Monday, February 1, 2010

Abstract perceptions

The gorgeous Leila at the reception

Gossip on the backgound and the foreground- by Sujan Ghosh and Johan Benthin

Works by Hanuman which are now doing the rounds of Vienna.

Chandrakala, Sujan Ghosh, me and Hanuman the team of Abstract Perceptions. Missing in the picture is Mrs Sigrid Benthin ,who was an integral person for giving us a free hand to interpret Johan's work in a new light

"Genetic Modification" foreground by Hanuman and "Sleeping Beauty " by Johan H. Benthin on the background

Chandrakalas work based with Johan Benthins work titled " moving"

This show is a tribute to Johann Benthin , JHB was born in Denmark in 1936 and also raised and educated in Scandinavia. Later he was given many international public commissions, so his art is well represented in public and private collections in a number of countries; wherefore he also has been given several international awards and grants. Besides being an active freelance visual artist, he was much sought for lectures on art and he has been a teacher to Sujan, Kala and Bharat through his workshops at CAVA , the prestigious art school from Mysore. Through the last many years he had divided his studio-work and other art related activities between Europe and India. He passed away in Mysore in June 2006 after a short illness.

Exhibitions (as solo shows) were held in: Canada, Denmark, Germany, Holland, India, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and USA. Participation in group-exhibitions in: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, Peoples Republic of China, Portugal, UK, USA, and Yugoslavia.

Permanently represented in galleries in: Utrecht, Holland. Minneapolis, USA. Pfungstadt, Germany. Membership has been given to JHB in the following professional organizations:
Association International des Arts Plastique, Paris, France.
Billedkunstnernes Forbund, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Associated Latter-Day Media Artists, Hollywood, USA.
Berufsverband Bildender Künstler, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany.
Centre of Art, Science and Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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